Convert 1/2 to a decimal.
What is 0.5?
Convert 0.1 to a fraction.
What is 1/10?
Convert 1 1/4 to a decimal.
What is 1.25?
Convert 0.05 to a fraction.
What is 1/20?
Convert 11/16 to a decimal.
What is 0.6875?
Convert 3/4 to a decimal.
What is 0.75?
Convert 0.25 to a fraction.
What is 1/4?
Convert 2 1/2 to a decimal.
What is 2.5?
Convert 0.125 to a fraction.
What is 1/8?
Convert 9/12 to a decimal in simplest form.
What is 0.75?
Convert 4/5 to a decimal.
What is 0.8?
Convert 0.2 to a fraction.
What is 1/5?
Convert 3 3/5 to a decimal.
What is 3.6?
Convert 0.375 to a fraction.
What is 3/8?
Convert 13/20 to a decimal.
What is 0.65?
Convert 5/8 to a decimal.
What is 0.625?
Convert 0.6 to a fraction.
What is 3/5?
Convert 4 2/3 to a decimal.
What is 4.666... or 4.67?
Convert 0.45 to a fraction.
What is 9/20?
Convert 7/9 to a decimal. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.
What is 0.78?
Convert 7/10 to a decimal.
What is 0.7?
Convert 0.75 to a fraction.
What is 3/4?
Convert 5 7/10 to a decimal.
What is 5.7?
Convert 0.875 to a fraction.
What is 7/8?
Convert 5/6 to a decimal. Round to the nearest thousandth if necessary.
What is 0.833?