In contrast to this unit-fraction approach, our current approach to fractions is based on what?
The idea of measuring by counting copies of a single, small enough part.
Though regarded for the longest time as nonsensical, what did negative numbers first appear as?
Liber Abbaci is an influential 13th century text made extensive use of unit fractions and described various was of converting other fractions to the sum of unit fractions. Who was the author?
How did the Egyptians show that a number represented a part rather than a whole number?
They added a symbol meaning "part" or "mouth" over the hieroglyphic numeral.
How long have Fractions been part of Mathematics?
Approximately 4000 years
In what year did the "slash" notation for writing fractions appear?
Around 1850
Mathematicians from which country, had a method of solution based on manipulating the coefficients of equations?
From China, dated to around 100 B.C what book contains notations for fractions that is very similar to ours?
The Nine Chapters on Mathematical Art
Indian Mathematicians, perhaps taking note from the Chinese, differ their fraction writing in what way?
No line or mark separated one number from the other?
In its earliest forms, the concept of a fraction was limited mainly to Parts. What would we call these in modern terminology?
This term began use with commercial arithmetic in the 15th and 16th century, when it was the common way to quote interest rates.
Per Cent (For every hundred)
What ratio did the book mention as John Wallis arguing was infinite in his book, Arithmetica Infinitorum?
In Europe, the first use of decimals as a computational device for fractions occurred in the 16th century. In what 1585 book, written by which author did they appear?
Simon Stevin's, The Tenth
Split Question!
a: Latin writers of the middle ages were the first to coin what terms?
b: What do those terms mean?
a: Numerator and Denominator
b: Counter and Namer
Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds are units of measurement that the Greeks learned from whom?
The Babylonians
Name the five listed symbols from the book that have been used to separate the whole and fractional parts of a number.
An apostrophe, a small wedge, a left parenthesis, a comma, and a raised dot, among various others.
What did Leonhard Euler compared negative numbers to in his 1770 book, Elements of Algebra
Which prominent Indian Mathematician recognized and worked with negative quantities, to some extent as early as the 7th century?
What was different about the way the Babylonians wrote fractions?
They did not use a symbol to indicate where the fractional part began.
How many fluid ounces is a gill?
4 fluid ounces
The ancient Egyptians had special hieroglyphics for which fractions?
1/2, 2/3, and 3/4
1) Multiplication is just repeated addition
Descartes's use of coordinates for the plane did not use what, in the way that the familiar way, that this plane (named for him) does now.
Negative Numbers, Cartesian coordinate system
In the 16th century Cardano in Italy, Viete in France, and Stifel in Germany rejected negative numbers calling them what?
Fictitious and Absurd
Daily Double!
Name the progression of the precent sign
(I.E. Violet in 1350 -> Purple in 1450)
"Per 100" in 1425 -> "Per 0/0" in 1650 -> "0/0" -> and finally "%"