This decimal represents 1/10
What is 0.1
This fraction represents 0.4
What is 4/10 or 2\5
70% can be represented by this fraction.
What is 70/100 or 7/10
27/50 can be represented as this percentage
What is 54%
0.25 and 25% can be represented as this fraction.
What is 1/4 (or 25/100)
This decimal represents 5/100
What is 0.05
This fraction represents 0.80
What is 80/100 (or 4\5)
95% can be represented by this fraction
What is 95/100
3\5 can be represented as this percentage.
What is 60%
4/10 or 0.4 can be represented by this percentage.
What is 40%.
This decimal represents 2.5\10
What is 0.25
This fraction represents 0.55
What is 55/100
20% can be represented by this fraction
What is 20/100 or 2/10
4\12 is represented by this %
What is 33%
35% can be represented by what fraction and what decimal?
What are 35/100 and 0.35
This decimal represents 70/100
What is 0.70
This fraction represents 0.25
What is 1/4 or 25/100
30% can be represented by this fraction
What is 30/100 or 3/10
16\25 is what percentage?
What is 64%
0.67 can be represented by what fraction and what percentage?
67/100 and 67%
This decimal represents 2 and 1\4
This fraction represents 0.01
What is 1/100
79% can be represented by this fraction
What is 79/100
4.5\20 is what percentage?
What is 22.5%
True or false: 10% , 0.1 and 20/200 are all equivalent.
True. 20/200 is the same as 10%. It can be reduced to a fraction of 1/10 or 0.1