Write this fraction as a mixed number:
3 1/4
Make the mixed number an improper fraction: 2 1/6
Compare these two fractions: 25/50 and 40/80
Multiply the following fractions: 1/3 x 5
1 2/3 or 5/3
Multiply: 4 1/2 x 3 2/3 and tell the answer in simplest form.
A fraction is improper when?
There is a larger number on top.
4/9 is less than 3/5 (<)
When Multiplying Fractions you Multiply _____ the ____ and ______.
Across the numerator and denominator
Write this fraction as a mixed number (the fraction must be in simplest form):
7 1/4
Turn the Mixed Number into a improper fraction: 8 1/2
Compare these two fractions: 6/45 and 1/5
1/5 (<)
Multiply the following fractions: 5/2 x 2/8
Multiply the following fraction and give the answer in simplest form: 5/6 x 4/3
1 1/9
Compare these two fractions: 4/5 and 3/4
4/5 (>)
Multiply the following fractions:6/12 x 6/12
Multiply the following and ctell the answer in simplest form: 5 x 3/4
3 3/4
Make the improper fraction into a mixed number: 100/25
Compare these two fractions:47/50 and 92/100
Multiply the following fractions: 5 1/3 x 2 1/4