You need this to add fractions with unlike denominators.
What is the least common denominator?
You need this to subtract fractions.
What is a common denominator?
To multiply fractions the denominators must be the same. True or False?
What is false?
This is the part of the fraction that tells you how many pieces something is cut into.
What is the denominator?
What is 5?
When adding fractions with a common denominator, you do this with the numerators.
What is add?
Do this when subtracting fractions with common denominators.
What is subtract?
1/2 x 3/4
What is 3/8?
This is a fraction that is larger than one.
What is an improper fraction?
This is 1/3 of 6.
What is 2?
1/4 + 3/4 =
What is 1?
What is simplest form?
1/2 x 8 =
What is 4?
This is a number that is a combination of a whole number and a fraction.
What is a mixed number?
This is 1/4 of 16.
What is 4?
7/22 + 4/22 = ? (Simplified form)
What is 1/2
1/3 - 1/4 =
What is 1/12?
When you multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators and do this to the denominators.
What is multiply?
This is a fraction with the same digit for both the numerator and denominator.
What is 1?
This is 2/7 of 49.
What is 14?
4/8 + 7/8
What is 1 3/8?
9/12 - 2/8 =
What is 1/2?
Ms. Stanbury made 3 pies. From each pie, she took a slice that is 1/8 of a pie to bring to a friend. This is how much pie is she bringing to her friend.
What is 3/8?
This is a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator.
What is a proper fraction?
This is 3/10 of 100.
What is 30?