Convert the decimal percent, 0.01% to a DECIMAL
Find the percent of change from 400 oz to 350 oz
A decrease of 15% in 2569
Find the SALES TAX
Original Price: 1250
Sales Tax Rate: 6%
When combined, what two things CREATE a Coefficient?
Integer and Variable
Convert the fraction 4/10,000 to a decimal
Find the percent of change from 50ft to 229ft
An increase of 9% in 8020oz
Original Price: $500
Sales Tax Rate: 2.5%
What is a variable?
A LOWER case letter that takes the place of a number in an algebraic sentence
Convert 572% to a decimal.
Find the percent of change from 3600 pounds to 216 pounds
An increase of 52% in 3580
Original Price: $469
Sales Tax Rate: 5%
What government agency is responsible for collecting taxes?
The I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service)
In order to change a fraction into a decimal, I........
Divide the numerator by the denominator
Find the percent of change from 250 gallons to 150 gallons
-40% decrease
A decrease of 35% in 9920
Original Price: $41,000
Sales Tax Rate: 9%
True or False: Every state in America has state income taxes.
What is the SIMPLIFIED fraction for 0.22
Find the percent of change from 1255 pounds to 8283 pounds.
An increase of 78% in 8780
Original Price: $15.99
Sales Tax Rate: 0.0%
The bottom number in a fraction.