Fragment or Run-On sentence?
Run-on sentences
What is a Fragment?
Some where along the lines... Fragments are incomplete sentences, they lack a subject, verb or both.
The cat liked the dog the dog didn't like the cat. Fragment or Run-on Sentence?
Run-on Sentence
name one out of the four ways to correct a Run-On sentence.
Period, Semicolon, Coordination, Subordination,
I need to find a new roommate. Because the one I have now isn't working out too well. Is this a Fragment? why?
Yes because you cant start a sentence with "because."
"No Running!" Fragment or Run-On sentence
What is a Run-On sentence?
Some where along the lines... Run-On Sentences are two or more independent clauses that are joined without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction.
Give a example of a Fragment.
(may vary)
Is this a Fragment? Why? Q. "What are you doing?" A. "Eating."
Yes, because the person answering the question didn't use a full sentence.
give 2 examples of a Run-On sentence?
(may vary)
Fix this Fragment. Purdue offers many majors in engineering. Such as electrical, chemical, and industrial engineering.
OLD: Purdue offers many majors in engineering. Such as electrical, chemical, and industrial engineering. NEW: Purdue offers many majors in engineering(,) (s)uch as electrical, chemical, and industrial engineering.
I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time. Fragment or Run-On sentence? Fix it
I love to write papers, I would write one every day if I had the time.
Where is the Run-On sentence? fix it. While I was working on this project, I decided to pick my topic closely. I asked my friends what they thought they told me it was unique. I wasn't sure so I asked my teacher, and he told me his thoughts.
Run-on: I asked my friends what they thought they told me it was unique. Fixed: I asked my friends what they thought(,) they told me it was unique.
Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? B. We watched the flock of pigeons pecking at sandwich crumbs on the sidewalk. C. We watched pigeons. D. While the flock of pigeons, pecking at sandwich crumbs and strutting along the sidewalk as if to say to passersby, "We own the block," crossed into the territory of our rose garden.
D. Because it's a Fragment
True or False? We use Fragments everyday.
Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? Why? A. Pack for your camping trip with safety in mind flashlights, extra water, and matches are essential. B. With safety in mind, pack the following items for your camping trip: flashlights, extra water, and matches. C. Flashlights, extra water, and matches are essential safety items to pack for your camping trip.
A. Because it's a Run-On sentence.