a fragment is missing a ________ or __________
subject, verb
Comma splices are a ______________ separated by only a comma.
(complete sentence, fragment, dependent clause, independent clause, run-on)
run-ons include two ________________________
dependent clauses, independent clauses, conjunctions, commas, subjects
independent clauses
what makes something a clause?
has a subject and a verb
comma splice, run-on, fragment or sentence?
She learned that there is no place like home, she clicked her heels three times.
comma splice
T/F A sentence is complete as long as it has a subject and a verb.
It may be a dependent clause (starting with a subordinating conjunction).
this punctuation replaces the comma and fixes the comma splice (other than a period)
Repair the following run-on:
Folic acid appears to exert a protective effect, for example, one study showed that it cut the rate of neural tube defects by two-thirds.
effect; for example,
effect. For example
What is a compound sentence?
Two independent clauses joined by a conjunction
comma splice, run-on, fragment or sentence?
If she is chased and falls, she may break.
In order for a dependent clause to be used correctly in a sentence, it must have this...
An independent clause
If you want to keep the comma, you need to add this to the sentence to make it correct
a FANBOYS conjuction
What turns a run-on into a comma splice?
What are three ways of joining independent clauses?
a comma and a coordinating conjunction, a semicolon, or a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb
fragment, sentence, comma splice, run-on?
She meets a beautiful girl made of china, Dorothy wishes to take home with her to Kansas.
comma splice
What punctuation must follow a subordinate clause if it is used at the beginning of the sentence?
a comma
Fix the following Comma Splice:
After the sixth inning, I went home, my family, including my grandma and grandpa, stayed.
home. I
home, and my
you can fix a run-on with a FANBOYS or a subordinating conjuction (because, since, if, etc.)
T or F
What are examples of subordinating conjunctions?
Words like "because, "if," "as," "when"
sentence, fragment, comma splice, run-on sentence?
The Princess wants to stay in her own country because there they can move freely.
It stormed. We thought is was a hurricane. After the storm. We noticed many trees had fallen.
Which one is the fragment?
After the storm.
subordinating conjunction, FANBOYS, semicolon, colon, period
Is this a run-on?:
Having prepared himself well for the realtor exams and having exhausted everyone in the family with his requests that someone help him with the true-and-false drills, Jeffrey, who had never been a particularly good student in high school, knew he was ready to take on the greatest challenge of his life.
contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
A complex sentence
sentence, fragment, run-on, comma splice?
We meet Ezra Miller’s Credence, a cowering orphan who’s been abused all his life.