Run-on Sentences
Comma Splices
Types of Sentences
Grab Bag

Correct the following run-on sentence by using a (.) period. 

The boy went to the movie his friends went too. 

The boy went to the movie. His friends went too


Correct the comma splice using a period (.)

That's my bike, it has a flat tire. 

That's my bike. It has a flat tire. 


Correct the following fragment and identify what is missing. 

Repaired Mr. Lotarski's porch. 

Subject is missing: EX. The volunteers repaired Mr. Lotarski's porch. 


Identify the following sentence as either a simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, or compound-complex sentence.

The pilot waves her hat. 

simple - one independent clause


Identify the following as either a run-on sentence, fragment, or comma splice. 

By visiting stores and showing the owners samples. 



Correct the following run-on sentence using a (.) period. 

Many professionals are too busy to do errands themselves they need someone who can help them. 

Many professionals are too busy to do errands themselves. They need someone who can help them.


Correct the following comma splice using a comma and a conjunction. 

Several teenagers have started their own computer businesses, they are making a profit. 

EX. Several teenagers have started their own computer businesses, and they are making a profit. 


Correct the following fragment and identify what is missing.

Ten students for the job in the computer lab. 

Verb is missing. 

EX. Ten students have applied for the job in the computer lab. 


Identify the following sentence as either a simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, or compound-complex sentence.

As she disappears over a hill, the crowd grows quiet. 

Complex sentence - One independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. 
Identify the following as a run-on sentence, comma splice, or fragment.

If you have a craft hobby. 



Correct the following run-on sentence using the  conjunctive adverb however with correct punctuation. 

Gophers may be paid for the gasoline they use they should negotiate the payment before accepting the job. 

Gophers may be paid for the gasoline they use; however, they should negotiate the payment before accepting the job. 


Correct the following comma splice using a semicolon. 

Some students work after school, others work on the weekends. 

EX: Some students work after school; others work on the weekends.


Correct the following fragment and identify what is missing.

If you want to learn about a particular field. Get an internship in that field. 

Subordinate clause stands alone. 

EX. If you want to learn about a particular field, get an internship in that field. 


Identify the following sentence as either a simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, or compound-complex sentence.

The pilot waves her hat, and the crowd cheers.

Compound - Two or more independent clauses 


Identify the following as a run-on sentence, comma splice, or fragment.

To find out about the times and locations of fairs contact your local craft store, this store should have information. 

comma splice


Correct the run-on sentence using a comma and conjunction. 

Twenty years ago teens might have set up lemonade stands to make money today they can use computers. 

Twenty years ago teens might have set up lemonade stands to make money, but today they can use computers. 


Correct the following comma splice using a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb. 

Alan was not certain he wanted to work in a video store, he applied for the job. 

EX: Alan was not certain he wanted to work in a video store; nevertheless, he applied for the job. 


Correct the following fragment and identify what is missing.

To learn about careers in the arts. You could interview an artist. 

Phrase stands along

To learn about careers in the arts, you could intervie an artist. 


Identify the following sentence as either a simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, or compound-complex sentence.

After an hour passes, the plane reappears, and the crowd rushes to greet it. 

Compound-complex - two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause. 


Identify the following as a run-on sentence, comma splice, or fragment.

Perhaps you and your friends make beaded bracelets maybe you build wooden toys. 

run-on sentence


Correct the following run on sentence using a (.) period. 

I am a responsible, well-organized person as well as a hard worker I learn quickly and have strong communication skills. 

I am a responsible, well-organized person as well as a hard worker. I learn quickly and have strong communication skills. 


Correct the following comma splice with a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb. 

Young children are eager to learn computer skills, many parents do not have the time or knowledge to teach them. 

EX: Young children are eager to learn computer skills; however, many parents do not have the time or knowledge to teach them. 


Correct the following fragment and identify what is missing.

Phil applied or three after-school jobs. Web site manager, math tutor, and teacher's aide. 

Series stands alone

Phil applied for three after-school jobs: web site manager, math tutor, and teacher's aide. 


Identify the following sentence as either a simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, or compound-complex sentence.

Today, most inventors are engineers and scientists who work for large companies, and their inventions belong to the companies. 

compound complex - two or more independent clauses with at least one subordinate clause. 


Identify the following as a run-on sentence, comma splice, or fragment.

Nobody knows exactly why tips are given, it seems strange that we continue to follow this custom. 

comma splice