Seafood in french
Les fruits de mer
Avoir besoin means what in English
To need
Gentille in English
Quel jour est-til?, in English
What is the day today?
Le partinage artistique
He eats pie in french
Il mange le tarte
Conjugate three avoir verbs
Ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont,
Je suis bavard in English
I am very talkative
Je veux faire le music, in English
I want to listen to music
Je joue, Tu joues, Elle joue, Nous jouons, Vous jouez, Ils jouent
I like cookies in french
J' aime les biscuits
Aller conjugated for Il/Elle
Tu est sympathetique in English
You are friendly
How do you ask, How do you say cookies in french, in French
Commen dit on cookies en francais?
Golf is boring in French
Le golf est ennuyant
Jai faim is what in English
I am hungry
Vont is the conjugated verb for what pronoun (Ex,Je)
What is, he is sad and shy in French
Ils est timide, et triste
Pour quoi et ce que tu aimes ecole?, in English
Why do you like school?
Je joue au vollyball le dimanche, in English
I play vollyball on sundays
Conjugate commander and explain what it is in French
Commander is to order, JE commande, Tu commandes, Elle commande, Nous commandons, Vous commandez, Ils commandent
Conjugate acheter and say what it is in English
Acheter is to buy in french, Je achete, Tu achetes, Elle achete, Nous achetons, Vous achetez, Ils achetent
He is unhappy in French
Ils est malheuruse
I want to go in French
Je veux aller
He plays hockey on Wednesday, in French
Ils joue au hockey le mercredi