How do you say "Est-ce que je peux aller à la toilette s'il-vous-plaît?" in English?
May go to the washroom please?
"Thank you" in french
"il fait froid dehors" in english.
It is cold outside
What does "une pomme" mean?
an apple
"Bonne fête!' and "Joyeux anniversaire!" are french for?
Happy birthday
Happy anniversary
"I am ten years old" in french
j'ai dix ans
How do you say "I am sorry" in french?
je suis désolé
What is the meaning of "Il fait chaud aujourd'hui"
It's cold today
What is "Une poire" in English?
A pear
"La fête des mères" is french for?
Mothers day
What is "Je regarde la television" in english?
I am watching TV
"Excusez-moi" is french for?
excuse me,
Which season is "Le printemps"?
Spring time
I love mangoes...but how do we say "mango" in French?
une mangue
Mention one "common" thing you may see at a birthday french!
des ballons
des personnes
des gens
des guirlandes
des cadeaux
des parents
des enfants
"Au revoir, a bientot" is french for?
good bye
see you soon
bye, see you soon
Goodbye, see you soon
What can you respond to "comment vas-tu?" in french?
Je vais bien,
je vais comme ci comme ca
je vais tres bien
je vais mal
je vais tres mal
It is raining outside...But how do I say that to my friend in french?
Il pleut dehors
"Grapes" in french
Des raisins
"La Pâques" is french for the most important Christian celebration. But for most of us, it's all about chocolate and bunnies!
"Bonjour, je m'appelle Junior" is french for?
Hi, my name is Junior.
Good day, my name is junior.
Hello, My name is Junior.
Hi, my name is junior.
"S'il vous plaît" is french for?
How do we say "Summer" in French?
"A watermelon" in french!
Un melon d'eau
un melon
He has a white beard, he sneaks through the chimney, he is the hero of Christmas!
Le pere-Noel
le père noël
papa noel