Greetings Category
What does "il pleut" mean?
It's raining
What is "les maths" in English?
What is more formal, or formal? "Bonjour" or "Salut"?
What's the word for the weather report in French?
un bulletin météorologique; la météo
What is "une chaise rouge" in English?
A red chair
what is the word for a "piece of paper"?
une feuille de papier
What is a "new blue backpack" in French? REMEMBER: Color names appear AFTER the noun
Un nouveau sac à dos bleu
Name all four seasons in French
Le printemps, l'ete, l'hiver, et l'automne
What is "I play tennis" in French?
Je joue au tennis
Say in French: My favourite singer is Bryan Adams
Mon chanteur préféré est Bryan Adams