French Explorers
French and Indian War
French Places
Odds and Ends
This was the major export that French trappers tried to catch
What is beaver pelts and furs
This is the First letter of the fort the French had in the Ohio river valley
What is D
The French were the first Europeans to explore this very long river in the United States called the "Father of all Waters"
What is the Mississippi River
The name of smaller river that feeds into a bigger river
What is a tributary
What is Mr. Kocon's favorite Breakfast food
What is Frosted Flakes (Or I will also allow Chipotle, because I would eat that in the AM if I could)
This pair of French Explorers traveled down the Mississippi river to the Arkansas River and then came back
What is Marquette and Joliet
Which famous colonist won a battle outside the French Fort
What is George Washington
This was a major bodies of water that the French were the first to see
What is Great Lakes
what is the name of a product which comes IN to a country
What is an import
This governor paid more money for weapons and soldiers and lead to the winning of the battle over a fort eventually named after him
What is William Pitt
Which explorer traveled all the way down the Mississippi river and died on his 2nd voyage after missing the river and crashing into Texas
Who is De La Salle
Which French City were the British able to sneak up on and surround
What is Quebec
This was one of the greatest French trading posts which is located in current Canada
What is Quebec
What is the name of a product which EXITs a country to be sold in another country
What is an Export
This was the name of the British General who died trying to take the French Fort in 1755
What is General Edward Braddock
Who was put in charge of New France to make it stronger in 1610
What is Samuel Champlain
What treaty ended the French and Indian War
What is the Treaty of Paris
This was the largest of the French Colonies
What is New Orleans
This is the name of a French fur trapper that translates into "Runner of the Woods"
What is "Courerour de bois"
This was the line created that said colonists could not travel west of the Appalachian Mountains
What is the Proclamation of 1763
Which 17 year old explorer came over from France and traveled the furtherest West of any Frenchman
Who is Brule
Which battle was the last fought between the French and Brittish in North America
What is Montreal
What piece of land was first claimed by the French as they looked for the Northwest Passage
What is Newfoundland (Peninsula on the St. Lawrence River)
What is a Voyageur
What is a Frenchmen with a government permit to trap animals in the Americas
This long named fellow was the first governor of New Orleans
What is Pierre Le Moyne Sieur D'Iberville