World War 1
World War 2
Wild Card

Founded in 1585, this colony was the first attempt at a permanent English Colony in the New World, but upon its resupply in 1590 all of the colonists had vanished, leaving behind only the word "Croatoan"

What is the Roanoke Colony?


This alliance, including both France and Britain, opposed the Triple Alliance in World War I.

What is the Triple Entente? 


This bombing campaign was carried out by the German Luftwaffe from 1940-1941, in order to demoralize the British people.

What is the Battle of Britain. (Blitz)


This country won their only world cup in 1966.

What is England?

This French word, translating to "baton" also refers to a food.

What is Baguette? 


Louisiana was named after this French King.  (Must include Numerals)

Who is Louis XIV?


This was the original name for tanks before they took on their modern title.

What is a Landship?


This is the name commonly given to the French Government after the 1940 Armistice.

What is Vichy France?


"The Partition" refers to a tumultuous period and separation in this former British colony in 1947.

What is India?


In typical British faction, British tanks come equipped to make this popular beverage.

What is Tea?


This Mediterranean Colony succeeded in the largest slave revolt since Spartacus and won its independence from France in 1804

What is Haiti?

This was the primary battle rifle for the British Military during World War I.

What is the Lee-Enfield?


This operation combated the Axis Powers in French Morocco. 

What is Operation Torch?


French failure to exercise control over this colony led to US involvement beginning in 1965.

What is Vietnam?


The British were nicknamed this phrase due to a naval practice that aimed to combat scurvy.

What are Limes?


After policy failures by the British East India Company, this was the name for Parliament's rule of the Indian Subcontinent.

What is the British Raj?


The Gallipoli campaign during World War I was the idea of this political leader who would be a future prime minister.

Who is Winston Churchill?


The allies decided on an unconditional surrender and future borders of Europe at this conference.

What is the Yalta Conference?


This country was colonized by the French starting under Napoleon III in 1830 and remained under French control until gaining their independence in 1962 under the Evian agreements.  

What is Algeria?


During the Napoleonic wars, this beverage was commonly used as part of salaries for British troops.

What is Rum?


The tea that was dumped into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party belonged to this organization.

What is the British East India Company?


This person is known as the "Lion of Verdun" and would later become the head of Vichy France.

Who is Marshal Philippe Petain?


This man was the leader of the largest French Resistance Movement (French Forces of the Interior)

Who is Charles de Gaulle?


This event is largely considered the end of the British Empire.

What is the return of Hong Kong?


Although she was a naturalized French Citizen, famous Chemist Marie Curie was born in this country.

What is Poland?