Dance Moves

(True or False):

Jingle Dancing is performed by people from Denmark.

It is false.

Jingle Dancing is performed by First Nations and Native Americans, often females.


(True or False):

A reason why Jingle Dancing is important is because it can be used while hunting for alphas.

It is false. 

Jingle Dancing is not for hunting.


(Short Answer):

Who created the Jingle Dress?

The medicine man/grandpa who had a dream to save her granddaughter by making her dance in a dress.


(True or False):

The music used in Jingle Dancing is the same as the music produced by StrayKids.

It is false.

Jingle Dancing and Powwow Dancing share the same music, NOT Jingle Dancing and StrayKids.


(True or False):

Some of the dance moves in Jingle Dancing require you to perform pushups.

It is false.

No pushups are needed to perform Jingle Dancing.


(True or False):

Jingle Dancing has gone through tons of evolution ever since it was created and compared to its original dance moves, it has GREATLY changed.

It is false.

Jingle Dancing has not been affected by other groups of people and it has been the same ever since it was created.


(Multiple Choice):

What is Jingle Dancing known for being used for, also known as its main importance?

a) It is used as a medicine dance.

b) It is used in "DOMINO" by StrayKids

c) It is used for nothing.

d) What is Jingle Dancing?

Answer: a

Jingle dancing is used as a medicine dance to heal a person by making them dance.


(True or False):

There are pigeon eyes on a regalia.

It is false. 

I’m sorry for making the question so disgusting. Anyway, there is buckskin, beads, feathers, porcupine quills, and metal on a regalia.


(Multiple Choice):

What is the music that is often used in Jingle Dancing called?

a) “Super Shy” by NewJeans

b) “ice.cream” by Hyunjin

c) Boom music

d) Intertribal music

Answer: d

Jingle Dancing is often performed with Intertribal music.


(True or False):

Jingle Dancers keep low on the ground while dancing.

It is true.

Jingle Dancers keep low on the ground while dancing to make the dance easier and require less energy for those who are sick.


(Multiple Choice):

What was the man who had a dream about Jingle Dancing?

a) A beatboxer.

b) Hyunjin from StrayKids.

c) A medicine man.

d) A hunter.

Answer: c

The man who had a dream about Jingle Dancing was a medicine man who hoped to heal his granddaughter.


(Fill in the Blank):

Jingle Dancing is important to share the culture of the _____ ______ people.

Multiple Answers:

- First Nation People

- Native American People

- Indigenous Peoples 


(Multiple Choice):

Where did the name “Jingle Dance” come from?

a) ”Jingle, jingle, jingle all the way” (Lyrics from the song “Christmas EveL” by StrayKids).

b) The jingling sounds of keys in the medicine man’s dreams.

c) Jingle Jingle

d) The jingling sounds of the metal cones on the dress.

Answer: d

The name of this dance comes from the sounds of the metal cones hitting against each other that make jingling sounds.


(Fill in the Blank):

Dancers have to follow the tempo of the _____.

Answer: Drums


(Multiple Choice):

Which of these is the first step that I showed?

a) Criss cross your legs

b) Put your hands on your hips 

c) Stepping

d) Perform “Magnetic” by ILLIT 🤟😎

Answer: c

The first step I showed was to put your hands on your hips; the other option is to put your hands in fists in front of you.


(Short Answer):

What did the granddaughter of the man have to do to be healed?

The girl had to dance in the dress made by her grandfather.


(Multiple Choice):

Which of the following is what Jingle Dancers are being judged on in competitions?

a) Singing skills

b) Clothing design

c) Cooking skills

d) Needle injecting skills.

Answer: b

During a Jingle Dance competition, judges base their scores off of the footwork and designs of the competitors clothing.


(Short Answer):

When Jingle Dancing, the dancers hold up a certain accessory? What was it called again?

It is called a feather fan!!


(Short Answer):

Name at least 2 of the instruments in the music used for Jingle Dancing.


- Drums

- Vocals

- Metal cones


(Short Answer):

What does the ”toe-tapping” dance move look like? If you can’t explain it, then perform it.

The “toe-tapping” dance move is where you raise up your knee, and cross it over your other leg to touch the floor. Then, you reverse this movement and repeat it however many times you want.


(Short Answer):

Jingle Dancing falls under Powwow Dancing, meaning the creation of Powwow Dancing is very important. So how was Powwow Dancing created?

Powwow Dancing was created when reserves were introduced in the 1830's and the Indigenous people did not want their culture to be forgotten.


(Short Answer):

When Jingle Dancing, stories can be told. What is the meaning behind, moving in zigzags while dancing?

The meaning behind moving in zigzags in Jingle Dancing is to show the journey in life.


(Short Answer):

Jingle Dresses being heavy symbolizes something. What does it symbolize?

It symbolizes that even if the heavy dress might weigh you down, you can still dance. This is like the granddaughter where her illness is draining her, she can still heal.


(Short Answer):

About how many people surround the drums during a Jingle Dance performance?

8 people.



Show me at least 2 of the Jingle Dance dance moves that I showed you.
