The name of the ship captain readers meet at the beginning of the novel.
Who is Robert Walton?
What is Victor's hometown?
What is Geneva?
"To give as a gift; to bequeath or confer a gift, honor, or right."
What is bestow?
The mayor of Saipan.
Who is Ramon "RB" Camacho?
The year Mr. Z was born.
What is 1999?
The name of Victor Frankenstein's father.
Who is Alphonse?
The name of the family that the creature spies upon?
Who are the DeLaceys?
"To become weak and thin; to waste away physically"?
What is emaciate?
The bakery/cafe located next Naked Fish Bar & Grill.
What is Sweet Lane?
Mr. Z's current job title.
What is Vice Principal?
Victor Frankenstein's childhood best friend.
Who is Henry Clerval?
The name of the school Victor studied natural philosophy.
What is the University of Ingolstaldt?
"Behavior that shows respect or esteem due to an elder or superior."
What is deference?
The length of Saipan in miles, approximately.
What is 12 miles?
Mr. Z's classroom number.
What is A-201?
The name of first murder victim in the novel. Victor's younger brother.
Who is William [Frankenstein]?
The Creature murders Elizabeth on the night of this celebration.
What is a wedding?
"So beautiful as to be overwhelming; striking, stunning, or awe-inspiring"
What is sublime?
The street that divides Susupe from Chalan Kanoa.
(Hint: It's closer than you think)
What is Knight Street?
Mr. Z's favorite color?
What is green?
This person was framed for the murder of Victor's younger brother and was eventually found guilty in a trial.
Who is Justine Moritz?
The location where Victor chases the Creature towards.
What is the North Pole?
"To feel intense hatred toward someone or something"
What is loathe?
The Carolinian/Refaluwasch word for the village Tanapag.
What is Talaabwogh?
The 3 clubs/activities that Mr. Z advises at MCS.
What is Theatre Club, Student Council, and National Honor Society?