Gothic & Romantic

Person murdered on their wedding night.

Who is Elizabeth?


Describe Victor's actions right after he creates the monster.

Runs out of the laboratory, takes a nap, has a nightmare, runs outside, nervously spends the night pacing and freaking out.

Who says, "I am an unfortunate and deserted creature; I look around and I have no relation or friend on earth."?
Who is the creature or monster?
What are the 3 Gothic principles?

1. Dangers of Nature

2. Dangers of Solitude (value of social bonds)

3. Importance of Logic & reason (over emotion)


What does the creature/monster beg Mr. Delacy to do? a. protect him b. help him learn to read

What is protect him?


Person convicted for murdering William.

Who is Justine?


What does the monster MOST admire about the cottagers?

Their family bonds and love for each other.

(he also appreciates the books read to Safie and the historical knowledge gained)

Who says, "Begone! I do break my promise; never will I create another like yourself, equal in deformity and wickedness."
Who is Victor Frankenstein?
How does Mary Shelley's novel challenge the Romantic principle of Nature as wondrous and bountiful?

It focuses on icy, arctic climates and the dangers of starvation and cold for those (like the Creature) without a stable home.


What does Victor learn upon arriving (half asleep, in a boat) in Ireland?

Henry Clerval has been murdered.


Who is Kirwin?

Magistrate who helps Victor while he is in prison for murdering Clerval. Kirwin writes to Victor's father to come visit.


What piece of evidence linked Justine to the murder of William?

The necklace with a small portrait of Frankenstein's mother. It was deemed valuable and worthy of stealing from William.

Who says, " Dearest Clerval, how kind, how very good you are to me. This whole winter, instead of being spent in study, as you promised yourself, has been consumed in my sick room."?
Who is Victor Frankenstein?

How does Shelley's novel challenge the Romantic principle of "solitude"?

Both Victor and the Creature suffer tremendously when alone. Victor turns away his family and friends until he loses his mind. The Creature becomes murderous when no one will offer him a companion.


How does the monster learn that Victor lives in Geneva?

From Victor's journal, left in the pocket of his coat.


Dies of Scarlet Fever while caring for her adopted daughter.

Who is Caroline Beaufort?


Where does Victor do right after his father dies of grief? 

He attempts to tell the authorities (police) the entire story about the Creature, but no one believes him.

Who says,"You have read this strange and terrific story, Margaret; and do you not feel your blood congeal with horror, like that which even now curdles mine?"?
Who is Walton.

When does Victor put emotion/passion BEFORE logic/reason?

Several options:

1. final moments talking to sailors on Walton's ship

2. making the 1st creature

3. marrying Elizabeth


Which is the monster's first discovery as he tries to survive in the woods?

How to make fire.


Who lives in exile in Germany? Must name 3-4 characters.

Agatha, Felix, and Mr. DeLacey (blind).

Also - Safie joins them.


What happens when the Creature saves a young girl from drowning?

He is pursued and painfully shot in the leg by the young girl's mother.

Who says," I am well acquainted with the accused. I have lived in the same house with her, at one time for five and at another for nearly two years." ?
Who is Elizabeth?

Describe how Victor connects to the Ancient Mariner.

The Ancient Mariner also makes a huge mistake (shooting the Albatross) and everyone around him is killed to pay for his sins. The Mariner is doomed to be alone, haunted by memories.


What happens when Victor travels to Chamounix? a. gets lost b. visits the DeLacey family c. witnesses a thunderstorm d. meets the monster

What is meets the monster? (d.)