What do the Frankenstein's decide to do to lift their spirits?
Go on a trip to the mountains.
If a dangerous animal was running rampant, you would want it to be____ to keep people safe.
a. Sterilized
b. Secluded
c. Tranquilized
C. Tranquilized
What hobby does the blind old man like to partake in?
Playing his violin/fiddle
What does gilded mean?
Covered or painted with gold
Which emoji best fits the word "anguish"?
What does the word "calamity" mean?
An event causing great damage.
Which emoji fits the word "abhorred" best?
a. 😔
b. 😇
c. 🤮
What is the profession of the people whom the creature decides to observe?
What causes the creature to feel guilt for the first time?
He eats the poor people's food, leaving them hungry.
What does the creature find when he is in the woods?
A stack of books
What does Victor decide to do if he sees the monster again?
Kill him!
Why does Victor decide to hear the monster out?
He feels responsible for him as his creator.
What 3 main things did the monster do when in the woods?
Eat, drink, and sleep
What important thing does the creature learn to do in Chapter 4?
What realization does the creature have from reading books
That he is unlike humans in both mind and stature
Which emoji goes best with the word "precipice"?
c. ⚔️
An allusion is made to what story in Chapter 2?
Paradise Lost
What 3 characters does the creature decide to observe?
Blind old man, Agatha, and Felix
What two things does the creature do to help the family he is watching?
Harvest their crops and chop/collect fire wood
What does the creature finally muster up enough courage to do?
Talk to the blind old man
What idea does Victor ponder at the beginning of the chapter?
a. To create another monster
b. To get married to Elizabeth
c. To drown himself
C. To drown himself
What 3 people does the monster compare him and Victor to?
God, Satan, and Adam
What two events happen before the creature finds the family?
1. He scares an man out of his house and takes his food
2. He is chased out of a town/village
Being a part of the family
He gets punched in the face