Historical Frauds
Types of Fraud
More Fraud
Red Flags and Alarm Bells
Prevention/ Victimization

On March 12, 2009, this man pleaded guilty to 11 federal crimes.  According to the Department of Justice he is responsible for the world's largest fraud scheme.

Who is Bernie Madoff?


Fraudsters attempt to hook people in by Fear, Love and Hope are examples of this.

What are emotions?


The act of sending fraudulent emails or other messages to people designed to look like legitimate companies to get personal information from the receiver. 

What is Phishing. 


If a person owed backed taxes, the first contact the  IRS would make is by this, not a phone call, text or email.

What is the U.S. Post Office? 


When concerned about an email stating there is an issue with your account instead of clicking the link in the email you should do this.

What is type the website in a new window?

What is go to the website you normally would?


A scheme named after this man, who was said to have pawned his wife's jewelry to open the Security Exchange Company promising investors 50% return in 45 day or 100% return in 90 days.  He attempted to pay back early investors by bringing in new investors.

Who is Charles Ponzi?


This type of fraud promises to make you rich through a business venture.  You put in money now and you will be rewarded later.

What is an investment fraud?


Someone claiming to be able to see the future and leaves you wanting more information for additional money is committing this fruad.

What is Psychic Scams.?

Some Fraudsters want to be paid in gift cards because of this.

What is, Gift Cards are hard to track who purchased them and who received them?


Keeping your internet browser and this updated are great ways to help prevent scammers from targeting you.

What is antivirus software?


In 1821, this Scottish General claimed he had conquered a small island called Poyais and sold some of the imaginary land.

Who is Gregor McGregor?


An example of this fraud would be a person claiming to be with the IRS and stating you owe taxes.

What is Government imposter fraud.


This type of fraud occurs when you have won something, even if you did not enter, the only down side is you have to give them a little money first.

What is a lottery fraud scam.


A fairly new online relationship, who you have never met in person, needs money, and they don't want you to tell anyone.  This scenario includes these red flags.

What is new relationship, never met, need money, don't want you to say anything.  


Scrolling your computer mouse over a link will do this.

What is show you the website it will take you too?


In 1911, an anonymous Lourve employee was paid to steal this painting created by Leonard Da Vinci.  Just so people knew it was missing and fakes could be sold to underground collectors.

What is the Mona Lisa?


This type of fraud occurs when a person appeals to their emotions in regards to caring about a person they have never met.  The scammer builds the persons trust and then eventually informs them they need money.

What is the Romance Scam.

This type of fraud occurs when a person receives a phone call from someone stating a loved one (typically a grandchild) has been arrested and need your help financially immediately.  

What is the Grandparent Scam?


Fraudsters will say, "Act fast, be the first 50, limited time only," to do this.

What is a sense of urgency?

What is make you rush?

What is give you less time to think?


I want everyone to do two things when confronted with a possible fraud.  One is Slow Down the other is.

What is Tell Someone