General Tips
Impact Award
Dean's List

What should students do when talking to judges during the official competition?

What should students do when talking to judges during the official competition?


 What is a key element to include when gathering data for the FIRST Impact Award?

 Photos and statistics relevant to the team's impact.


What is the most important preparation for Dean's List nominees?

Practice, practice, practice!


What is one way students can improve their communication with judges?

Speak firmly and clearly.


 Why is teamwork important in FIRST Robotics?

 It allows for collaboration, diverse ideas, and shared responsibilities.


What is one key aspect that teams should prepare to share with judges?

A one-page summary handout covering key machine attributes and design processes.


 How should teams connect their community activities for the FIRST Impact Award?

 By explaining why they are doing those activities, not just listing them.


 What should nominees be familiar with regarding their nomination?

 The essay that was submitted about them.


 What should teams focus on when preparing their communication strategy?

 Making sure everyone can talk about the elements of their robot and team they are most proud of.


How can team members support each other during competitions?

By encouraging one another and ensuring everyone knows key information.


How can teams ensure that judges can easily find them for interviews?

Keep someone in the Pit who can speak to the judges or have a sign indicating where the team can be found.


What time frame should teams focus on for recent activities when applying for the Impact Award?

The past 3 years.


Why is it important to share information not covered in the essays during interviews?

 Judges want to know all of the amazing things the nominees have done.


Why is it helpful for students to practice in front of their teams, family, or friends?

To build confidence and receive feedback on their communication skills.


What role does communication play in effective teamwork?

It helps to clarify roles, share ideas, and resolve conflicts.


 Why is it important for all team members to know the focused aspects of their robot?

So that no matter who the judges speak with, they hear consistent information about the team and their robot.


 Where can teams find examples and FAQs about the FIRST Impact Award?

 FIRST Impact Award Resources.


What resource should teams use for tips on the Dean's List Award?

The Dean’s List Award Guide.


What is one benefit of having a consistent message among team members when talking to judges?

 It ensures that judges hear the same key points regardless of who they speak with.


What is one practice that can enhance teamwork within the group?

 Regular team meetings to discuss goals and progress.


 What does "Gracious Professionalism" refer to in the context of FIRST Robotics?

 It refers to the behavior expected from all team members, emphasizing respect and support during the competition.


What is essential to remember when discussing long-term achievements for the Impact Award?

 Focus on both recent activities and long-term achievements.


 How can nominees best highlight their achievements to the judges?

By sharing information about their accomplishments that is not included in the submitted essays.


How can teams make a strong impression when communicating with judges at competitions?

By being prepared, relaxed, and having fun while sharing their story.


How can teams celebrate their teamwork successes?

 By recognizing individual contributions and reflecting on achievements as a group.