Strengthening Families
Motivational Interviewing
Trauma Informed Care
Culture in Parenting
Boundaries and Self-care

Name the five protective factors

1. Parental resilience

2. Knowledge of parenting & child development 

3. Social & emotional competence in children

4. Social connections 

5. Concrete support in times of need


A person- centered counseling approach used to help people talk themselves into making a positive behavior change.  

What is motivational interviewing?


Frequent and abrupt moves, Domestic Violence, Abuse or Neglect, and Homelessness are:

What are situations that can be traumatic?


When one maintains an interpersonal stance that is open to individuals and communities of varying cultures, in relation to aspects of the cultural identity most important to the person.

What is cultural humility


What is the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person?

What is secondary trauma


Understanding child development and parenting strategies that support physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development is what protective factor?

What is knowledge of parenting and child development?


The following are all principles of what?

Express Empathy: respectful understanding, warmth, non-judgement

Explore and talk about ambivalence: build readiness to change

Dealing with conflict or discord: stay away from arguing with client

What are the principles of motivational interviewing?


Name the four trauma responses

Flight, Fight, Freeze or Fawn


A broad understanding of culture leads us to realize that ethnicity, gender identity and expression, spirituality, race, immigration status, and a host of other factors affect not just the experience of trauma but help-seeking behavior, treatment, and recovery.

What is trauma and culture


The syndrome resulting from chronic work-related stress, with symptoms characterized by “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and reduced professional efficacy” are all examples of what?

What is occupational burnout?


Give three examples of building social emotional competence with parents

Ongoing engagement with parents, encouraging parents to share ideas/resources, and take timely action when there is concern?


Precontemplation, contemplation and preparation, action, maintenance, recurrence/relapse are examples of:  

What are the stages of change?


Hyper-focused, Feels a sense of threat, cannot tolerate ambiguity are:

What is survival state?


Loss of concentration, substance abuse, anger, discomfort around ‘dominant’ culture are manifestations of:

What is racial trauma


The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.

What is self-care?


The following everyday actions are part of building what kind of skills:

-show ways parents are valued

-honor all aspects of every family

-help parents manage stress

-support decision-making & leadership skills

-help parents create buffers for children during hard times

What is building resiliency skills


Name the four techniques of motivational interviewing

What are open questions, affirmations, reflections/reflective listening, and summaries 


What the adults/professionals in this system need in order to be the containing people this child/adult needs. Also what this child/adult need from adults to be able to regulate, to manage themselves?

What are examples of trauma informed approach


Maintaining an interpersonal stance that is open to the most important aspects of the “other’s” cultural identity is called what?

What is cultural humility?


Physical, cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, environmental are:

What are domains of selfcare?


Managing stress and functioning well when faced with challenges, adversity and trauma is what protective factor?

What is parental resilience?


Using OARS, especially Reflections, Emphasizing freedom to make their own decisions “It's up to you to decide”, and Shifting focus to client's priority are examples of?

What are provider responses to discord?


Apply psychoeducation and attunement in service regulation, energy language/modulation, reflect, validate, normalize-for clients and caregivers are all examples of:

What is trauma informed strategies?


Culture informs our understanding of when support is needed. It influences how and from whom we seek support. It influences how we attempt to provide support and services. What do these statements show?

What is the importance of culture?


Talk to friends, laugh, keep in touch with important people in your life, see a therapist or counselor, give yourself permission to cry, and setting/holding boundaries are part of what domain?

What is the emotional domain?