Who plays like the male character in Braveheart?
Mel Gibson
Who is the main character of Pokemon and who is his partner?
Ash Ketchum and his partner is Angelica, i mean Pikachu
Which is the first movie of Marvel studios?
Sorry, wrong character. It's Iron man
Men in black has an animated series
True, the movie actually received an animated series in 1997
Who won Oscar for best actor?
Will Smith Oscar was a completely hit
Friends was originally called Insomnia Café
Nothing related to friends actually
The directors of Matrix spent five years to work the vision for the movie
Fool of you if you said false, Mr. Anderson.
Charlie Sheen was one of the best-paid television actors of all time
He earned 1.8 million per episode
Which non-occidental movie won Oscar for the best-animated feature?
Spirited away
What is the complete name of Raj, a character in The Big Bang Theory
Rajesh Koothrappali, is a complete tongue twister