People with Power
People without Power

This is the emotion most expressed through song.

What is sadness?


This event inspires Mr. Covey to whip FD for the first time.

What is the overturning of the oxen cart and wasting half a day?

This person was transformed form a kind-hearted person to a cruel slave owner.

Who is Sophia Auld?


This person was shot in the head for refusing to come out of the creek to receive a beating.

Who is Demby?


This is the large plantation owned by Col. Edward Lloyd that is the preferred place to work by the slaves.

What is the Great House farm?


This is why the life of a city slave is often better than the life of a plantation slave. (3) correct answers - must get one correct to score

What is (1) the increase in food, (2) the easier jobs, (3) the reduced use of the whip?


This event prompted Col. Lloyd to put tar on the fences in his property.

What is the stealing of fruit by the slaves?

This person was known as a cruel slave-breaker.

Who is Mr. Covey?


This person only got to see her child a few times because she lived on a plantation many miles away.

Who was Harriet Bailey (FD's mother)?

Being sold to a slave trader from this state is seen as a punishment.

What is Georgia?


This is NOT treated as a crime in Maryland.

What is killing a slave?


Mrs. Hicks beats her slave to death for this one-time event.

What is letting the baby cry in the night?

This person inherits FD after her father dies, then sends him back to Baltimore.

Who is Lucretia Auld?


These two slaves were treated as poorly and cruelly as plantation slaves even though they lived in the city.

Who were Henrietta and Mary?


This is why FD was excited to move to Baltimore to serve the Auld family.

What was knowing that hardship, hunger, whipping, and nakedness would be left behind (or at least not be worse)?


This is why FD does not give details about his escape.

What is he does not want to inform slave owners of methods he used?

It is upon this event that FD sneakily throws his "pass" to the north in the fireplace.

What is being tied up and arrested for attempting escape?


This person sold off a slave who truthfully said his master was cruel.

Who was Col. Lloyd?


This woman's cruel whipping is likened to the "entrance to the hell of slavery."

Who is Aunt Hester?


This is where FD worked with Irishmen who advised him to run away, up North.

What is the Baltimore shipyard?

These are two pieces of information that FD does not definitely know about himself.

What are (1) his birthdate and (2) his father's name?


This is the turning point in FD's career as a slave.

What is winning the fight against Mr. Covey?


This group of people are often cited as hypocrites for their horrible treatment of slaves (worse than "regular" slave owners).

What are Christians?


This person gives FD a root to put in his pocket to ward against beatings. This person also is in FD's first escape group.

Who is Sandy Jenkins?


This is where FD is able to learn to read.

What is the streets of Baltimore (via the white boys there)?


This is why slave children who were fathered by the slave owner were likely treated rough.

What is to satisfy their wives?


This event prompts a kind reaction from Sophia Auld toward FD.

What is FD being beaten up by angry white men in the shipyard?


This person is most likely FD's father.

Who is Col. Lloyd?


This person was sent to live alone in the woods with no means of feeding or taking care of herself.

Who was FD's grandmother?


This is where FD lives after escaping slavery.

What is New York?