Where was Frederick Douglass born?
He was born on a plantation.
What happened to Frederick Douglass’s mother when he was young?
She passed away when he was very young.
What does the word "plantation" mean?
A large farm where enslaved people worked.
What theme is shown when Douglass talks about being separated from his mother?
The theme of family separation.
Did Frederick Douglass know his exact age?
No, he did not know his exact age.
Who raised Frederick Douglass after his mother died?
He was raised by his grandmother.
What does the word "enslaved" mean?
Being forced to work without freedom.
How does the theme of education start to show in the first two paragraphs?
Douglass begins to realize the importance of knowledge and learning.
Who was Frederick Douglass’s mother?
Her name was Harriet Bailey.
Why didn’t Douglass know his birthday?
Enslaved people were not told their birthdates.
What does the word "rarely" mean?
Not often or only a few times.
What theme is shown when Douglass talks about not knowing his birthday?
The theme of loss of identity.
How often did Douglass see his mother?
He saw her very rarely because she lived on another plantation.
What emotion did Douglass feel about not knowing his age?
He felt sadness and frustration.
What does the word "frustration" mean?
Feeling upset or annoyed because something is difficult.
Why is freedom an important theme in Douglass’s story?
Douglass’s life shows a journey from slavery to freedom, and his fight for equality.
What does Douglass say about the separation of enslaved children from their mothers?
He says it was a common practice to separate enslaved children from their mothers.
What reason does Douglass give for not knowing much about his father?
He believed his father was a white man, possibly his enslaver, but it was never confirmed.
What does the word "separation" mean in the context of the story?
Being taken away from someone, like Douglass being separated from his mother.
How does Douglass’s early life show the theme of resilience?
Despite hardships like separation and lack of education, Douglass kept hoping for a better life.