What is the creator’s name in real life?
What is the creator‘s name on gamejolt?
33.34 x 3
What is the last letter of the greek alphabet?
Who is the main villain of the game?
The Demon
Who kidnapped Ice Sooty?
What does four mean in China?
Gamma = what number?
Before the game was on gamejolt, what website was it on?
Who is the fourth party member you get?
Shadow Sooty
What does 143 mean?
I love you
Name the first four letters of the Greek alphabet.
Alpha Beta, Gamma, Delta
How many times do you meet Bob in a play through?
9 times
How many save points are in version 0.1.2?
6 save points
What does 224 mean?
Go to heck
Real Greek letter or made up: Sigma
Real Greek letter
What is the boss music called in the game’s files?
Battle 3
Who is Sooty’s best friend?
Thunder Sooty
which two letters comes after Mu
Nu & Xi