What does 981 cm/s(sq) represent?
a. Potential Energy Constant
b. Gravitational Constant
c. Constant of Friction
Gravitational constant
What was the name of the man who lived on the Freeburg Farm during Freeburg/s early life?
Has Mr. Freeburg ever owned a motorcycle?
I love the smell of _____!
a. Cupcakes
b. Sand
c. Acetone
d. Weed
How many dollars a day does Mr. Freeburg live off of?
What does 1.602E-19 represent?
a. Charge of a proton
b. Charge of an electron
c. Frequency of a nucleus
Charge of a proton
Is Freeburg an only child?
Where did Mr. Freeburg participate in a knife fight?
On a train
Where's my _______?
a. Vernier Caliper
b. Bucket of Sand
c. Glasses
bucket of sand
DUO DORKY DOUBLE: You can receive points for both of these questions if any are answered correctly...
How many pets does Mr. Freeburg have?
What kind of animal(s)?
2 Cats
(Jerry and Blackie in case you were wondering)
What does 1.99E30 represent?
a. Distance to the moon
b. Predicted circumference of Jupiter
c. Mass of the Sun
Mass of the sun
Does Mr. Freeburg have any allergies?
Mr. Freeburg has a "pet cemetery" at his house
Exercise those ________
a. Brains
b. Quads
c. Filanchees
Where did Mr. Freeburg fly to most recently?
a. Nashville
b. Denver
c. Seattle
What does 3E8 represent?
a. Speed of Light
b. Frequency of sound
c. Numerical equivalent of 1 AU
Speed of Light
DUO DORKY DOUBLE: You can receive points for both of these questions if any are answered correctly...
What element of the periodic table did Freeburg explode over himself as a small child?
And what was he wearing when he did?
Fur Coat
Where was Mr. Freeburg arrested?
The Soviet Union
How many colors are in the traditional rainbow? ROYGBIV... I'll say
a. 6
b. 7
c. 10
What is Freeburg's biggest pet peeve?
a. the use of heat as a noun
b. aggressive slamming of doors
c. the mispronunciation of "uranus"
The use of heat as a noun
What does 5.67E-8 represent?
a. Freidrich Heine Constant
b. Stefan Boltzmann Constant
c. George Haufft Constant
Stefan Boltzmann Constant
How many car roll overs has Freeburg been in?
Describe a patented device by Mr. Freeburg
Points received if listed something along the lines of "film for the outside of airplanes to make it more aerodynamic in flight, through NASA"
Which of these has Mr. Freeburg NOT said?
a. Anybody could be in the bank, with a knife, by the teller...
b. I'd rather eat a chicken
c. Next time you're at the cemetary, you should look at the grave stones... Reminds you that you're moral
d. You guys know what sand looks like, right?
I'd rather eat a chicken
What is Mr. Freeburg's go-to party fact?
The earth's core is roughly the size of mars