Persuasive Techniques
Influence and Interactions

A synonym of the word tactic

What is strategy, approach, or technique?


Logic, facts, and reason are used in this persuasive technique.

What is logos? (logic, reasoning)


At the beginning of his presidency, Kennedy wasn’t interested in civil rights because of his concern with this international issue.

What is The Cold War, or spread of Communism?


The meaning of the word tone

What is a writer or speaker's attitude?


It was this original Freedom Rider who later became a U.S. Congressman and authored the March graphic novel series

Who is John Lewis?

The meaning of prejudice

What is a negative opinion formed without proper knowledge or experience; pre-judgment?


By describing itself as the oldest, most experienced civil rights organization in the U.S., the NAACP uses this technique to persuade people to join.

What is ethos? (credibility, reputation)


The Kennedy administration paid more attention to the Freedom Rides once this began to occur.

What is violence or negative publicity?


James Farmer's tone when he writes: "With the survival of democracy at stake, there is an imperative, immediate need for acts of self-determination."

What is urgent, serious?


This type of music made popular during the Civil Rights Movement helped to lift spirits and reduce fear.

What are Freedom Songs?


Freedom Riders hoped to obtain attention from the media, also known as this.

What is publicity?


The Freedom Riders’ nonviolent tactic gained sympathy, thereby utilizing this persuasive technique.

What is pathos? (emotion)


Freedom Riders hoped that the publicity resulting from acts of violence would earn sympathy from this group of white Americans.

Who are well-meaning, good-hearted, disinterested, uninformed, or neutral white Americans?


Diane Nash generally used this tone when persuading powerful men.

What is calm, firm, assertive, respectful?


Freedom Riders chose to travel primarily through states that fought on this side of the Civil War 100 years prior.

What is Confederate?

An example of discrimination

Answers vary


By shouting to Diane Nash that she was “gonna get somebody killed,” John Seigenthaler attempted to use this persuasive technique.

What is pathos? (emotion)


It was the violence in this Alabama city that prompted the Kennedy administration to send federal troops to protect the Freedom Riders, thereby signaling the federal government’s support for them.

What is Montgomery?


(Documentary) Freedom Rider Bernard Lafayette uses this tone when he describes singing Freedom Songs to jailers at Parchman Prison.

What is proud, amused, nonchalant?


Fearing the violence that lay ahead, this leader chose not to join the Freedom Rides when invited.

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

The difference between discrimination and oppression

Discrimination is a situation of mistreatment based on the group to which someone belongs. Oppression is longer-lasting mistreatment that prevents a group from living a full, free life.


In his letter to President Kennedy, James Farmer used this persuasive technique when he quoted Confederate general Robert E. Lee saying, “Make all your sons Americans.”

What is ethos? (credibility, reputation)


It was this nonviolent activist in India who inspired Freedom Riders to use peaceful methods to achieve their goals.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


The tone of the freedom song “We Shall Overcome”

What is hopeful, optimistic, proud, determined?


The man who later apologized for attacking Freedom Rider John Lewis was persuaded by John’s claim that he was only there to spread this.

What is love?