2 cheers and chants
What is
Are you hype?
red hot?
Good Morning
How you feeling
theres no school like freedom school
For ellas sake
The table where you get all your supplies
what is the creation station
CDF stands for
Childrens Defense Fund
the name of the motivational song
what is Something inside so strong
Freedom schools started during this movement
what is the Civil rights movement
the 6 components of Harambee
what is
1. motivational song
2. Cheers and chants.
3. Read aloud
4. Recognitions
5. moments of silence
6. Announcements
Summer of 1964 in Mississippi
freedom summer
Harambee mean in swahili
to pull together
The I can Statements posted in your classroom
what is
I can make a difference in
my family
my community
my country
my world
with hope education and action
The year that CDF first opened Freedom schools
Ashe mean in swahili
let it be
3 of the Components Freedom school focuses on
what is
academic enrichment
family and parent involvement
Social Action and Civic Engagement
Intergenerational leadership
Nutrition and health
The 2 major contributors of freedom school
who is Ella Baker, SNICC (student non-violent coordinating Committee)