$100: This classic upper-body exercise primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps in one compound lift
This legendary bodybuilder won seven Mr. Olympia titles and later became a famous actor and politician.
Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
This machine simulates walking upstairs.
what is a stair master?
This term refers to lifting a weight until you can't do another rep with good form.
what is failure?
This macronutrient is essential for muscle growth and repair
what is protein?
This lower-body lift is often called "the king of all exercises."
What is a squat?
Who holds the record for the most olympic gold medals in swimming?
Who is michael phelps
HIIT stands for this type of training
What is High-Intensity Interval Training?
when someone asks for assistance during a lift, they need this
what is a spot?
Sleep is crucial for recovery, and most athletes should aim for this range of hours per night for sleep .
When training for hypertrophy, this is the recommended rep range.
what is 8-12 reps?
this famous bodybuilder is known for his "quad stomp"
Who is Jay Cutler
The VO₂ max test measures this aspect of fitness.
What is cardiovascular endurance?
This type of clothing is often worn at the gym before revealing a physique.
what is a "pump cover"
This vitamin, known as the "sunshine vitamin," plays a key role in bone health and muscle function.
What is Vitamin D?
his principle states that muscle growth occurs when you gradually increase the weight or reps over time.
What is progressive overload?
Usain Bolt set the world record for the 100m sprint in this time
what is 9.8 seconds?
The maximum heart rate formula is typically estimated using this calculation.
what is 220 minus your age
This phrase refers to someone who is lifting too heavy with bad form to impress others?
what is "ego lifting"
This type of fat, found in nuts, avocados, and olive oil, is considered heart-healthy.
What are monounsaturated fats?
This adaptation, responsible for initial strength gains in beginners, enhances motor unit recruitment and firing rate before significant muscle hypertrophy occurs.
what is neural adaptation?
One of the strongest female powerlifters ever, she has broken multiple all-time world records in the squat, bench, and deadlift.
Who is Tamara Walcott?
his long-distance race is 100 miles long and is considered one of the toughest endurance challenges in the world.
What is an ultramarathon?
when soemoe in the gym yells the terms "LIGHTWEIGHT" ," YEAHHH BUDDY" , or "everybody wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna lift this heavy weight!!" Who does this lingo refer too
Who is Ronnie Coleman
This hormone, which spikes during sleep, plays a major role in muscle growth and recovery.
what is Growth Hormone