Global Basics
NOT English-Only
Theories and Models
Academic Programming
Bilingual Education
The process at which organizations begin to influence one another on an international scale.
What is globalization?
_______ came up with three misconceptions of ELL educators.
Who is Cummins?
An aspiring bilingual teacher from El Salvador
Who is Francisco
In this type of program, "students study in conditions that promote first and second language academic, cognitive, and language development in a supportive sociocultural context."
What is enrichment bilingual programs?
Fluency in two different languages.
What is bilingualism.
Co-exists with other languages in many countries.
What is English?
"In the modern world ______________, not ___________, should be considered a problem."
What is monolingualism and bilingualism?
T/F: Krashen developed the Separate Underlying Proficiency (SUP) Theory
What is false. (Cummins)
The most important characteristics of Collier and Thomas' effective programs for English language learners.
What is sociocultural support and instruction through the first language?
Most widely implemented bilingual model. Students transition within three years into all-English classes.
What is Early-Exit?
When a ________ dies, so does a culture.
What is language?
Helps bilinguals develop "identities of competence."
What is translation or judicious translation or translanguaging?
"A central processing system consisting of an individual's cognitive and linguistic abilities and specific conceptual and linguistic experiences."
What is Common Underlying Proficiency or CUP
In the U.S., schools claim to use _________ programs, however are more reflective of __________ programs.
What is immersion and submersion?
A one-way model, all students in the class are ELLs. Instruction is given in first language so it is maintained.
What is Late-Exit or Maintenance?
The European Union, Mercosur in Latin America, and the North American Free Trade Area.
What is multilingualism?
A structured way to alternate English and native-language instruction.
What is preview, view, review technique?
L1 and L2 are "surface proficiency", what is below the surface is the CUP.
What is The Dual Iceberg Model of CUP
"Students are taught only in English by teachers who have received some training in strategies for teaching non-English speakers." Mandated in CA and AZ.
What is Structured English Immersion or SEI?
Core curriculum has challenging standards, develops students in both their first and second languages to full proficiency, and stimulates a greater appreciation for culture and academic achievement.
What is an enrichment program?
The process of going back and forth from one language to the other.
What is translanguaging?
What is ONE strategy that teachers use to support their students' by allowing them to still use their first language during instruction?
What is 1.Environment is reflective of students' first language 2. Libraries have texts in other languages aside from English 3. Bilinguals read and write with aides, parents, and other student of their first language 4. Encourage students to write and publish their stories in non-english books 5. Bilingual students feel comfortable sharing in their native language 6. Utilize media in other languages to support academia and build morale 7. Preview, view, review
Students with CUP in their first language will have an ______ time learning academia in a second language.
What is easier.
Students get specialized instruction outside of or inside of mainstream classes with an ESL specialist. More effective than traditional, but still a high drop out rate compared to their peers.
What is ESL Pullout or Pull-in Content Instruction?
"The ability to use several languages to varying degrees and for distinct purposes."
What is a heteroglossic view of dynamic bilingualism? (Bilingualism, dynamic bilingualism)