Misconceptions According to Cummins
Supporting Students' First Languages
Types of Programs Serving ELLs
Models of Bilingual Education
Someone who is equally competent in two languages.
What is a balanced bilingual?
Second language students should be taught entirely in the target language.
What is the direct method assumption, according to Cummins?
A child can learn less, and may come to view her/himself as not being competent.
What is how newcomers may feel when immersed in English-only instruction?
This occurs when ELLs are taught in mainstream classes with native speakers of English and given no special services.
What is English immersion?
Students are prepared to transition into all-English classrooms within three years of beginning school as non-English speakers.
What is a Early-exit transitional program?
The idea that "most bilinguals use their languages for different purposes, in different situations, with different people" (Grosjean 2010).
What is the phenomenon known as the complementary principle?
The belief that translation has no place in the classroom.
What is the "no translation" assumption, according to Cummins.
Provide environmental print that reflects students' first language.
What is supporting students' primary languages during teaching?
The suggested solution to low academic achievement of ELLs in California and Arizona; despite not producing positive results.
What is structured English immersion?
Students receive instruction in their first language through at least sixth grade.
What is a late-exit program?
The language that bilinguals are more fluent in.
What is a dominant language?
In a bilingual classroom, the two languages should be kept rigidly separated.
What is the "Two Solitudes", according to Cummins?
A structured way to alternate English and native-language instruction.
What is the preview, view, review technique?
Students are pulled out of their mainstream classes for ESL support.
What is traditional ESL pullout instruction?
A program that emphasizes challenging standards i the core curriculum domains while enriching students' development in both their first and second languages.
What is an Enriched educational program?
To help students build academic proficiency in more than one language.
What is a goal of bilingual dual-language education?
This promotes the acquisition of English, according to Cummins.
What is using translation in the classroom?
Allowing second language students to develop both academic concepts and English language proficiency.
What is supporting students through the full development of their first language?
An ESL specialist is pulled into mainstream classroom to work with ELL students.
What is ESL Pull-in Content Instruction?
When English language learners and native speakers of English learn language through content in both English and the firs language of the English learners.
What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education?
The "process of going back and forth from one language to the other" (Garcia 2009).
What is code switching?
Cummins states this recognizes skills children bring to school and promotes the acquisition of English.
What is using translation in the classroom?
This supports both language and content learning in a second language.
What is academic proficiency in the first language?
Meaningful, functional, and context-rich instruction that meets the needs of bilingual students.
What is effective English instruction?
Students score above the 50th percentile on standardized tests.
What is Bilingual Dual-Language Education?