is used when referring to something that happens at a specific hour (ex:one o'clock)
"The weather was cold yesterday."
The weather was really cold yesterday
We should go to the park
Let's go to the park
What time is it if it’s 'half past 9'?
Let's have
1. a picnic
2. skating
3. video games
a picnic
use this preposition when talking about days of the week(ex. Monday)
This cake tastes good.
This cake tastes really good
We should watch a movie tonight
Let's watch a movie tonight
If the clock says '8 o’clock,' what time is it?
we have fun ______ card games
1. to play
2. playing
3. play
is used for talking about the time of the year when referring to months. (January)
I need to focus on my studies
I really to really focus on my studies
You should try calling customer service
You could try calling customer service
What time is it when it’s 'quarter past 10'?
Let's ______
1.go to cycle
2. go cycling
3. going cycling
hen we say, "I’ll meet you ____ 5 minutes," we are using this preposition to talk about a future moment.
The children were scared during the storm.
The children were really scared during the storm.
We should study for the test together.
Let's study for the test together
The meeting is scheduled _____ 2 PM _____ 4 PM.
The meeting is scheduled _____ 2 PM _____ 4 PM.
We______video games
1. Hangout playing
2. hanging out playing
3. hanging out play
hangout playing
If you want to say something happened during a particular meal, like breakfast or lunch, you use this
He works hard every day.
He works really hard everyday
You might want to bring a jacket, it’s cold outside.
You could bring a jacket, it's cold outside
The movie plays _____ 5 PM _____ 7 PM today.
The movie plays _____ 5 PM _____ 7 PM today.