What is the verb for "to be" in French?
La psychologie
What is brown hair in French?
What is "a year" in French?
un an/une année
How do you ask, "what is your name" in French?
Comment t'appelles-tu?
What is the verb for "to cook" in French?
La gestion
What are green eyes in French?
Les yeux verts
What is "birthday" in French?
How do you ask, "what time is it" in French?
Quelle heure est-il?
What is the verb for "to play cards" in French?
Jouer aux cartes
La Chimie
What is skinny/thin in French?
What is a "beard" in French?
Une barbe
How do you ask, "how old are you" in French?
Quel âge as-tu?
What is the phrase for "to speak Chinese" in French?
Parler chinois
Natural Science
Les Sciences Naturelles
What is tall in French?
What is a "notebook" in French?
un cahier
How do you ask, "what day is it" in French?
Quel jour sommes-nous?
What are the verbs for "to read, to write, and to say" in French?
Lire, écrire, dire
What is short in French?
What is "clock" in French?
Quel est ta sport préféré(e)?