Identify the infinitive verb that is conjugated below and state what it means:
je suis, tu es, il est, vous etes, nous sommes, ils sont
What is the verb etre- to be
State hello (informal), how are you today?
Salut! Comment ca va aujourd'hui?
ca va, comment vas-tu
Je veux ____ croissant
What is un?
Est-ce que il est quel jour?
What is lundi, mardi, mercredi jeudi, vendredi, samedi ou dimanche?
Il fait beau.
What is , It is beautiful out!
Translate: J'aime ecouter la radio.
What is I like to listen to the radio?
What is give me or loan me?
Say the phrase, in French, I would like a bicycle in the town/city.
What is Je voudrais un velo en ville?
A quelle heure est-ce que notre examen francais?
What is Il est huit heures ou Il est neuf heures et demie?
Il est neuf heures moins vingt.
It is twenty to nine or it is 8:40.
Je ____________ francais tres bien. Conjugate parler.
What is parle?
Translate Je suis de Michigan et je suis americain.
What is, I am from Michigan and I am American?
Tell which word does not belong. une omellette, une salade, un soda, un eclair
What is un soda, it is the only drink listed.
Translate- A qui tu as telephone?
What is Who are you calling/talking to?
State in French: Is there a racket in class? No, there is not a racket.
What is, Est-ce qu'il y a une raquette dans la classe? Non, il n'y a pas de raquette.
Make the statement, I am 14 years old.
What is, J'ai quatorze ans?
The statement what is your name, informally en francais.
What is Comment t'appelles-tu?
Put the adjective grand in the proper spot in the sentence and make it agree with the pronoun.
Mes ____________ stylos ______________ sont bleus.
What is, Mes grands stylos sont bleus.
Ask the question in French: Do you (formal) work on Mondays.
What is Travaillez-vous le lundi?
What is similar about all of these adjectives?
bonnes, mechantes, petites, sympathiques
What is they are all feminine, plural adjectives?
What are the meanings of avoir, etre and faire?
What is to have, to be and to make or do?
Translate: Je m'appelle Madame Mitchell. J'ai deux freres et une soeur.
What is I am Madam Mitchell. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.
Translate J'ai une petite bureau brune dans ma chambre.
What is, I have a small desk in my room?
Qu'est-ce que nous faisons pour ton anniversaire?
What is, What are we doing for your birthday?
Tell us today's weather.
What is, Aujourd'hui, il fait froid, il neige, il pleut, il fait mauvais.