Eat in first person singular (je)
je mange
How do you say my aunt?
ma tante
possessive adjective for je in plural
How do you say small?
How do you say wash the car?
laver la voiture
How do you say to ski?
faire du ski
How do you say my father?
mon père
possessive adjective for Il/Elle/On in plural form
How do you say young?
Conjugate "être" for singular pronouns in present tense
Je/tu/ Il/ Elle
Je suis
tu es
il/elle est
How do you say Usually
How do you say my sister?
ma soeur
How do you say our in singular
Idioms with avoir
Ex. to be hungry
to feel sleepy
to feel cold
to need
to be thirsty
to feel like
avoir faim
avoir sommeil
avoir froid
avoir besoin de
avoir soif
avoir envie de
Name 3 body parts
answers may vary
How do you say my uncle?
mon oncle
Possessive adjective for ils/ elles in plural
How do you say warm/hot?
Conjugate pouvoir in present tense in ALL of the pronouns.
je peux
tu peux
il peut
nous pouvons
vous pouvez
ils peuvent
Name three colors
Answers may vary
Describe one of your family members
Answers may vary
Possessive adjectives in Singular form for singular pronouns for female.
(Je, tu il/elle)
ma, ta, sa
How do you say smart/intelligent (masculine)?