What is the 3rd month of the year in French?
Je _____ intelligent.
Je suis intelligent.
What goes in between?
Faire ____ photo.
de la
During the summer the weather is ___? (In french)
Chaud OR soleil
What goes first in a sentence in French?
The subject pronoun
61 (sixty-one)
Je/J' ___ froid.
J'ai froid.
When do you use each definite article? (masc, fem, etc...)
Le - Masculine
La - Feminine
L' - Vowels
Les - Plural
My Mom's sister is my _____?
Her daughter is also my _____? (In French)
Ma tante & ma cousine
Which part gets conjugated in a sentence, the subject or the verb?
The verb
How does one respond to this?
Tu as quel âge?
J'ai ____ ans.
What two verbs are used to describe doing an activity?
Faire and/or jouer
____ père est petit et gros.
Mon père est petit et gros.
What subject would I take to learn science? (In French)
Any of the following:
La biologie
La chimie
La physique
Where does ne/pas go in a sentence?
Around the verb
Before/after the verb
Formal or informal? Why?
Bonjour, Madame Ertekin. Comment allez-vous?
Formal; because the speaker is talking to a teacher.
Write this sentence in French:
She plays the drums.
Elle joue de la batterie.
Ma grand-mère est ________.
Correct form of generous in French.
Virginia Living _______.
The Children's _______.
(Same answer in both blanks, in French)
le musée
Can you write a noun without le, la, l', or les in front of it?
(basket VS le basket)
NO, you HAVE to have an article in front of a noun.
What is a way you can respond to this?
J'aime la musique. Et toi?
Moi aussi.
Pas moi.
What is the translation? What verb has been conjugated?
Je vais étudier.
I'm going to study.
Which two articles are combined to create du?
de + le
What does "Il neige" mean?
(Hint: weather)
It's snowing.
Write this sentence in French:
I do not like basketball.
Je n'aime pas le basket.