About me
How do you ask someone "how are you" and reply with "im good thanks" in French?
Ça va? Oui, ça va, merci.
What is "middle school" in French?
Le college
Translate this into French: Hello. My name is Sam. What's your name? Hi Sam! I'm Olivier. Where do you come from? I come from Belgium.
Bonjour. Je m'appelle Sam. Comment t'appelles-tu? Salut Sam, je m'appelle Olivier. D'ou viens-tu? Je viens de Belgique.
How do you say the year you were born if it was 2005?
deux mille cinq
What are the French words for: grandmother, uncle, step brother, daughter
la grand-mere, l'oncle, le beau-frere, la fille