What is "I walk often"?
Je marche souvent
What is "I am going to Canada"?
Je vais au Canada
What is "I am camping"?
je fais du camping
What is an island?
une ile
What is a fox?
What is " we walk on a trail"?
Nous marchons sur un sentier
What is "we are eating seafood"?
nous mangeons des fruits de mer
What is "we are scuba diving"?
nous faisons de la plongée sous-marine
What is "the landscape"?
le paysage
What is a squirrel
un ecureuil
What is "we love to be outside in the summer"?
Nous aimons être dehors l'été
What is "we are swimming outside"?
nous nageons dehors
What is " we are hiking a trail in the mountain"?
Nous faisons une randonnée en montagne
What is "I see the sunset"
je vois le coucher de soleil
What is a deer?
une biche, un daim
What is " They spend time outside often"?
ils passent du temps dehors
What is " We are going to France"?
nous allons en France
What is "They swim at the pool"?
Ils font de la natation a la piscine
What is " We see wild animals/wild life
Nous voyons des animaux sauvages
What is a butterfly?
un papillon
What is "We travel far to see a national park"?
nous voyageons loin pour voir un parc national
What is "she is going on vacation"?
Elle va en vacances
What is " we are making sand castles"?
nous faisons des chateaux de sable
What is " I see the sunrise"?
je vois le lever du soleil
What is an owl?
un hibou