Name 2 instances in which you would use the imparfait?
- habit
Name 3 vegetables with their article
- la tomate
-le champignon
-l'haricot vert
How do you say "soap" in French?
le savon
What is "le four"?
The oven
How do you conjugate "savoir" with "je"?
Name 2 instances in which you would use the passe compose?
- one-time event
-series of events
How do you say "meat" in French?
la viande
How do you say "a towel" in French?
une serviette de bain
How do you say "to vacuum"?
passer l'aspirateur
What do "savoir" and "connaitre" mean? What is the difference between the 2?
- savoir= to know a fact or a skill
-connaitre= to be familiar with a place or person
How do you conjugate "se laver" in the imparfait with "je"?
Je me lavais
What do "vouloir", "devoir" and "pouvoir" mean?
want, must, can
How do you say "slippers" in French?
How do you say "my head hurts"?
J'ai mal a la ete
What is the comparative of "bon"?
How do you conjugate "sortir" with "il" in the passe compose?
il est sorti
How do you conjugate "vouloir" with "je" in the present tense?
How do you say "he washes his face"?
il se lave le visage
How would you say "he is in bad health"?
Il est en mauvaise sante
How do you say "she is as big as her sister"?
elle est aussi grande que sa soeur
What is the recent past? How do you form the recent past?
venir+ de
ex= je viens de sortir
How do you conjugate "devoir" with "tu" in the passe compose?
tu as du
What does "s'endormir" mean?
to fall asleep
How would you say "he breaks his arm" in French?
il se casse le bras
What is the difference between "le mieux" et "le meilleur"?
both are superlatives, mieux is for adverbs and meilleur is for adjectives