je + chanter
j'ai chanté
What are Vandertrampp verbs?
verbs that use être as the auxiliary verb
what does ne + pas mean?
Felix est allé chez moi.
Felix went to my place.
??? falls out of the chair.
!!!: oh my god I'm sorry!
???: {expletives}
??? - Avion
!!! - Kemarria
nous + rougir
nous avons rougi
What is unique about the past participles of Vandertrampps?
the past participle must agree with the subject (gender and plurality)
what does ne + rien mean?
nothing / not anything
Je n'ai fait aucun gâteau.
I did not make any cake.
???: You're gonna fall out of the chair again.
!!!: *sigh* OKay...
??? - Jenny
!!! - Avion
tu as rendu
What are the past participles of sortir, venir, and aller?
sorti, venu, allé
what does ne + personne mean?
no one / nobody / not anyone
Ils ne sont restés que deux heures.
They only stayed for two hours.
???: C'mon we spent all week on this.
???: Wait what is this?
!!!: We spent all week on this.
??? - Antiniah
!!! - Wallace
vous + tomber
vous êtes tombé(e)(s)
What are the past participles of naître, mourir, and partir?
né, mort, parti
ne + plus
no longer / not anymore
We didn't hear anything.
Nous n'avons rien entendu.
???: I politely laid down
???: Avion
elles ont passé
elles sont passées
Recite each verb in the DR MRS VANDERTRAMPP acronym.
Devenir, revenir, monter, retourner, sortir, venir, aller, naître, descendre, entrer, rentrer, tomber, rester, arriver, mourir, partir, passer
ne + non plus
neither / not either
Nobody died.
Personne n'est mort.
(If referencing nobody in a group of women died: Personne n'est morte.)
???: *playing with trans fan* Am I slay queen yet?
??? - Avion