French 1
French 2
French 3
French 4
French 5

The French and British fought for control of this area.

What is the Ohio River Valley?


Due to the huge debt in this war, the Americans were being forced to pay British taxes to cover the war debt. 

What is the French and Indian War?


This treaty ended the French and Indian War.

What is the Treaty of Paris, 1763?


These people did not like the idea of the British winning the French and Indian War, because the British threatened their way of life.

What are the Native Americans?


This many colonies wanted to ratify (agree) the Albany Plan of Union.

What is Zero?


This was one of the best animal resources in the Ohio River Valley.  HINT:  A major resource of the Native Americans and French trade 

What is fur?


This proposal by Benjamin Franklin called for the American colonists to join/unite or die in their fight against the French (Hint:  This same proposal would be used in the upcoming Revolutionary/American Revolution War).

Albany Plan of Union


This European country had positive relations with the Native Americans (e.g., fur trade).

What is France?


The French and Indian War eventually led to this war for American independence.

What is the Revolutionary War?  American Revolution?


This was the fort built in the Ohio River Valley by the French.

What is Ft. Duquesne?


The French and Indian War was against these two European countries.

What is France vs. Great Britain?


In the Treaty of Paris of 1763, France lost this territory and it was transferred to Spain (west of the Mississippi River).

What is the Louisiana Territory?


This European country was seen by Native Americans as greedy and hungry for land.

What is Great Britain?


The biggest losers in the French and Indian War were the French.  This group were the second biggest losers.

Who are the Native Americans?


This was the British-American commander when the French attacked the British in the Ohio River Valley?

Who is George Washington?


These people fought alongside their mother country of Great Britain during the French and Indian War.

What are the American colonists?


This powerful Native American group/confederation were sought after as allies of the British during the French and Indian War, but remained neutral.

What is the Iroquis Confederacy?


This border marking (Appalachian Mountains) prohibited the Americans from moving west.  This lack of movement was attributed to not starting another war with the Native Americans.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


These two European countries were the biggest winners at the signing of the Treaty of Paris 1763.

What is Spain and Great Britain?


This European country had a good fur trading relationship with the Native Americans in the Ohio River Valley.

What is France?


Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union was rejected by the American colonies for this reason?

What  the colonies did not want to lose their individual colonial powers?


After the French and Indian War, this European country acquired a huge ward debt and began to tax the American colonists to cover this huge debt.

What is Great Britain?


This group of people liked and was for the Proclamation of 1763 because it protected their land from possible future British invasion.

Who are the Native Americans?