Who made the "Join, or Die" political propaganda?
Benjamin Franklin
What Treaty ended the French and Indian War?
Treaty of Paris
Who were the nations involved in the French and Indian War?
France and Great Britain?
What region did both sides want?
Ohio River Valley
What were British soldiers nicknamed?
Who served as a military officer in French and Indian War who would become a U.S. President?
George Washington
What was the Treaty of Easton?
British did not encroach on Iroquois land if they did not side with the French.
Who did France and Great Britain try to make allies with?
Native Americans (Indians)
What river does the Ohio river feed into?
Mississippi River
King George III made the Proclamation Line of 1763 that ordered American colonists could NOT go west past what?
Appalachian Mountains
Who led Native Americans to rebel against the British people?
Chief Pontiac
Under this treaty, Britain promised the Iroquois Nations that it wouldn't allow colonies to expand west of the Appalachian Mountains and the Iroquois Nations promised not to help France in the war.
Treaty of Easton
What Native American group specifically sided with the British?
Iroquois Confederacy
Which region of the colonies was known as the "Breadbasket"?
American Colonists were upset when Redcoats did what to their homes?
Stayed (quartered) in their homes
Who was the British political leader who spent lots of money on troops and supplies so the British would remove France from North America?
William Pitt
After two years of fighting, who was winning the war?
created a government for the colonies so they could raise taxes, raise troops and regulate colonial trade
Albany Congress
Southern colonies cash crops are... (name at least 3)
Tobacco, Cotton, Rice, Corn, and Indigo
The war was expensive for the British, how did they make their money back?
Tax the 13 colonies
Who created the Albany Congress/Plan
Benjamin Franklin
What time frame (years) did the French and Indian War take place?
What group of people were freed after they complete their work contract?
Indentured Servants
Why did both sides want the Ohio River Valley?
Fertile land for farming, and to control the fur trade
The British kept a permanent army in the 13 colonies to do what?