Who is the current president of France?
Emmanuel Macron
First recorded tribe to inhabit France?
The Gauls
French holiday on April 1st
April Fish Day, Poisson d'Avril
Coûter les yeux de la tête
Cost the eyes from your head. (Cost an arm and a leg)
Name the colours of the French Flag in order.
Bastille Day
When did the French conquer England? What was this event called? (Bonus Points)
1066, the Norman Conquest.
What is something very popular in American resturants that doesnt exist in france?
Children's menus.
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe
arrive like the hair in a soup, to arrive at the most unwanted/awkward time.
What year was the Eiffel Tower finished/built?
A major turn in the French Economy that occured in 2002?
The Euro was introduced.
Where was Napoleon Born?
The Isle of Corsica
What is a popular thing to do with a fresh baguette after purchasing?
Nibble on the tip while you walk home.
Mettre son grain de sel
Put in one's grain of salt, (to give one's two cents)
What was the Eiffel Tower built for?
The World's Fair
True or false, France has a prime minister?
Name 5 French Colonies?
Examples; Louisiana, Canada, Quebec, New France, Polynesia, Guinea, IndoChina, Vetnam, Laos, etc.
What common american party ettiquite rule is considered strange/rude?
Arriving on time.
Appeler un chat un chat
Calling a cat a cat (Being frank, honest)
What is Frances largest export?
The president is actually incharge of another country! Which one?
Which French statesman made Versailles the official capital?
Louis XIV
What is considered an impolite gift to give to a host at a dinner party? Why? (Bonus Points)
A bottle of wine; it can be seen as an insult about the host's taste, or could derail the wine pairings that the host has prepared to go with their menu
Ça marche!
That works!
Why does Paris have so few skyscrapers?
Anti-skyscraper laws.