French Food
French Translation
French Must Know
French History
French Random

There is a theory that Napoleon Bonaparte opted for its elongated shape so that soldiers could easily carry it. This is what type of bread?

La baguette


Translate: La beauté est quelque chose de subjectif … sauf en France.

Beauty is subjective ... except in France.


What is the name of the grand arch in Paris that honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars?


In 1789, what significant event broke out in France that would change the country’s political system and future?

The Storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789), which led to the French Revolution (1789 - 1799)


Probably including lots of Roquefort, Comte, and Brie, what country eats more cheese per person than any other, according to a 2014 report from the International Dairy Federation?



What French food became an internationally famous Pixar movie?



Translate: Can I have the bill, please?

Je peux avoir l'addition, s'il vous plaît?


Italian Vincenzo Peruggia is a famous name in the history of art for stealing which iconic painting in 1911? One theory regarding his motivation for stealing the painting was that he wanted to return the painting from France to its country of origin.

Mona Lisa


Although often misattributed as a French invention owing to its name and history, what macabre beheading-device was actually first used in Ireland in 1307, over 450 years before it was first used in France?



Which glass and metal structure designed by Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei stands in the main courtyard of the Louvre Museum?

Louvre Pyramid


In French cuisine, what term is used to describe a small appetizer typically served before a meal?

Hors d’oeuvre / Amuse-bouche


Translate: Quand on est invité à déjeuner ou à dîner chez des Français, le repas commence normalement avec un apéritif.

When we're invited to have lunch or dinner in a French home, the meal usually begins with an apéritif (pre-dinner drink)


Who is the author of the classic novel "Les Misérables," which tells the story of Jean Valjean and his quest for redemption?

Victor Hugo


This great American monument, located in New York, was a gift from France. It now looks over the city of New York.

The Statue of Liberty


What is the country of France known as due to its shape?



French pastry whose name means “lightning”



Translate: Il est beaucoup plus facile, plus rapide et, en général, moins cher de faire les courses dans un supermarché, et les petites boutiques disparaissent progressivement.

It’s a lot easier, faster, and, in general, less expensive to do one’s shopping at a supermarket, and the small shops are gradually disappearing.


This French singer was one of the most widely known song writers in the world, with her most well recognized songs being "Non, je ne regrette rien", and "La Vie en Rose"

Edith Piaf


Marie Antoinette came from this German-speaking country that begins with an A.

Austria - She was an archduchess in the Habsburg Empire & went to France at the age of 15 to be married to Louis XVI


The Palme d’Or is the top prize awarded at the Internation Film Festival held in which French City?



Cutlery we use (translate to English): la cuillère, la fourchette, l'assiette, la serviette, la tasse, le couteau

spoon, fork, plate, napkin, cup, knife


Translate: I drank some coffee this morning and I feel a lot more awake right now.

J'ai bu du café ce matin et je me sens beaucoup plus éveillé.


Who was the first woman to win a Noble Prize & was known for her work with radioactivity?

Marie Curie, polish-french physicist and chemist in late 19th century


Which French monarch, known as the "Sun King," reigned for 72 years and is associated with the construction of the Palace of Versailles?

Louis XIV - embodied absolute authority & central role of governance, comparing himself to the sun


What is the Paris 2024 Olympics mascot?

Phrygian caps - during the French Revolution, symbol of liberty. Also what Marianne wore in the famous painting, "Liberty Leading the People"