What is the capital of France?
Where is French spoken?
France, Canada, Senegal, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Luxembourg, Guinea, and more
What is a flaky pastry from France?
What city is known as the fashion capital of the world?
Name one famous French artist.
Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet
What English words borrow from French?
Cafe, ballet, Baguette, Bon voyage,En route, Hotel,
Menu, Restaurant, Souvenir
Name a famous type of French cheese.
What form of media began in France?
What is a famous site to visit in France, other than the Eiffel Tour?
Le Louvre, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Champs Elysées, L'arc de Triomphe, La Seine
How do you say cotton candy in French?
barbe à papa
What is a popular French dessert?
Crepes, Macarons, and Tarts
Name one popular fashion brand that originated in France.
Chanel, Dior
What is the French motto?
"liberté, égalitié, fraternité"
What fruit can be confused with the French word for father.
Name a popular dairy product that comes in many varieties in France.
What type of architecture (buildings) are often seen in France that are reminiscent of a fairy tale?
Chateaux (Castles)
What is a unique French custom related to dining?
Eating together with family, long meals
What are the 4 main accents used in French writing?
accent aigu, accent grave, accent circonflexe, cédille
What is a famous French dessert made with cream and eggs, often found in cafés?
Creme Brulee
What is a fun fact about France's global influence?
French is spoken worldwide