Does quality or convenience in their food matter?
Which country (USA or France) praises artistry more?
Was pool played outside?
What is the main language spoken in the French version?
Do the French value taste or price more?
What genre reflects North African and Caribbean cultures?
Rai + Zouk
In the US 7 colors are used on the balls. How many are used in France?
Which U.S. original series, known for supernatural + suspenseful plot is also popular in France?
Stranger Things
What point in the meal do the French eat dessert?
What date is Fete de la Musique celebrated
June 21st
What is pool called in France
Carom Billards
Why can Netflix cost more in France?
Netflix Tax
What ice cream ingredient do the French use that we don't?
Who is commercialized in USA Music?
Beyonce and Elvis
When was pool invented?
What streaming device is a competitor of Netflix's in France?
Amazon Prime
What is the difference between French and US flour?
French flour is milled finer
What is France's music Festival?
Fete de la Musique + Montreax Jazz Fest
Why did King Louis lX want to raise the game from the ground to waist height?
He had a bad back
In what year did Netflix launch in France?