What is a verb?
A verb describes an action. (jump, is, has etc)
This is the verb for "to speak".
What is the verb for "to take"?
This is the verb for to finish?
What is the ending for -er verbs with "Je & il/ elle" ?
What do MOST verbs end in (the infinitive), in French?
What is the form of "poster" used with "I"?
Je poste
What is the verb for "to do"?
How to say "to choose" in French?
This is the ending for -ir verbs with "Je & tu"... ?
What is we in French?
How to say "We walk"?
Nous marchons
How do you say We answer the question?
Nous répondons à la question
How to say "She punishes" in French?
Elle punit
How to say "You (plural) choose" in French?
Vous choisissez (choisir)
What is they in French?
Ils or Elles
How to say "I eat apples"?
Je mange des pommes.
How to say 'We take our lunch at 1PM' in French?
Nous prenons notre déjeuner à 13 heures
How to say "we blush" in French?
Nous rougissons (rougir)
This is the ending for -er & -re verbs with "Nous".
To conjugate a verb in French, what do you have to take off first?
The infinitive ending (-er, -ir, -re)
How do you say we cross the road?
Nous traversons la rue
What does Ça dépend, madame! mean?
That depends, madam!
What does Elles réussissent mean?
They succeed
How to say "They finish" in French?
Ils finissent (finir)