ER verbs
I will play
je jouerai
I will leave
je partirai
he will read
il lira
she will be
elle sera
she will live
elle habitera
they will speak
ils parleront
they will finish
ils finiront
They will take
ils prendront
you will choose (tu)
tu choisiras
she will wait
elle attendra
they will stop
ils cesseront
ils arrêteront
Will you choose?
We will sell
nous vendrons
he will have
il aura
she will suggest
elle proposera
he will attend
il assistera
I will succeed
I will drink
je boirai
he will do
il fera
I will be able to
je pourrai
we will argue
nous nous disputerons
She will age
They won't get on well
Ils ne s'entendront pas
there will be many advantages
il y aura beaucoup d'avantages
I will go to university
j'irai à l'université