It is the ancien régime.
What is the feudal system?
the region of the lower Seine ceded to the Vikings in 911
What is Normandy?
This event in 1066 had a great impact on the English language of today.
What is the Norman conquest of the English king, Harold at the Battle of Hastings?
They were called the French Protestants who left France in great numbers (300,000) after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685.
Who were the Huguenots?
It is the period from the 5th to the 15th century.
What is the Middle Ages?
It is the Serment de Strasbourg (the oath), the first document in the vernacular - (old) French - in 843.
What is the agreement between two of the grandsons of Charlemagne against the third, dividing Charlemagne's empire.
The region disputed by the Germans over the centuries, part of Germany 1870-1918
What is Alsace - Lorraine?
This event in 1789 had a profound impact on French society and political structure
What is the taking of the Bastille, the start of the French Revolution.
During this period, 90% of the people were peasants and land was the principle measure of wealth.
What are the Middle Ages?
This period is composed of the National Convention, The Directory, and the Consulate.
What is the French Revolution?
There were two major groups of dialects in France.
What are Langue d'Oc and Langue d'Oil?
The representative body in medieval and early modern France representing three groups: the clergy, the nobility and the third group representing everyone else, which was convened by Louis XVI in 1789, effectively leading to the French Revolution.
What is the Estates General?
It was the movement of art and literature that started during the 15th century in Italy.
What is the Renaissance?
The period of government established on July 10th, 1940, named after the city where it was located, led by General Pétain.
What is the Vichy Government
They were the subject of a crusade ordered by the Pope in 1209.
Who are the Albigensians or Cathars?
The region inhabited by the Celts
What is Brittany?
This man whose conquest cost the lives of more than a million people and enslaved another million, wrote about his conquest saying, "Veni, vidi, vici"
Who is Julius Caesar writing about the conquest of Gaul 58-51 BC?
This period is the republican regime of France from February 25, 1848 to December 2, 1852.
What is the Second Republic? (It is counted as the second republic because the government during the French Revolution is counted as the first, is called the second Republic)
It was the declaration by Henry IV that gave freedom of religion.
What is the Edict of Nantes?
The region where A non-Indo-European language is spoken.
What is the Basque region?
In 732 this event happened at Poitiers (Tours)
What is the defeat of Arab invaders.
The causes of the French Revolution
What is 1) Resentment of royal absolutism. 2) Resentment of the seigneurial system by peasants, wage-earners, and a rising bourgeoisie. 3) The rise of enlightenment ideals. 4) An unmanageable national debt, both caused by and exacerbating the burden of a grossly inequitable system of taxation. 5) Food scarcity in the years immediately before the revolution. ("Let them eat bread!")
The Fifth Republic was led by this leader of the Free French during WWII
Who is Charles de Gaulle?