
This dish, containing a variety of vegetables, including eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes, is very popular in France and is also the title of a popular Disney movie.

What is Ratatouille?


This is capital of France.

What is Paris?

This famous French singer is known for songs, such as 'La vie en rose' and "Non, je ne regrette rien."

Who is Edith Piaf?


This is the French holiday celebrated on July 14th for the French Revolution and the end of the Monarchy.

What is Bastille Day?


"Je m'appelle... "

What is "My name is... "?


This is how you say 'chocolate croissant' in France.

What is 'pain au chocolat'?


What is 'chocolatine'?


This country that borders France has a total of three official languages: French, Dutch, and German. Some may know this country for its mini cabbages that are named after its capital.

What is Belgium?


This French businesswoman and fashion designer is widely popular throughout the world. You may know her from her perfume known as "No. 5."

Who is Coco Chanel?


The heads of this French King and his wife Marie Antoinette were chopped off on the last day of the French Monarchy.

Who is King Louis XVI?


"J'habite à Anchorage en Alaska aux États-Unis."

What is "I live in Anchorage, Alaska in the United States?"


This cheese is known as 'le roi des fromages,' or 'the king of the cheeses.' It can be off-putting to some, because it contains a notable amount of butyric acid.

What is Roquefort?


This region of France is where D-Day was fought. Americans invaded the beaches of this region in 1944 and helped the French reclaim their land.

What is Normandy?


This French painter was very popular during the height of the Impressionist movement. Above, you can find one of his most famous paintings, 'The Water Lily Pond.'

Who is Claude Monet?


This French military and political leader became First Consul of France during and following the French Revolution. After his defeat at the Battle of Leipzig, he was forced into exile on the island of Elba.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


"Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?"

What is "May I use the restroom?"


This French dessert is similar to a fancy oreo. It is comprised of two biscuits made from almond flower, and a delicious filling.

What is a macaron?


This microstate, located in the French Riviera, is where all the richest people live. It has a road that is made of diamonds.

What is Monaco?


This French poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, and dramatist of the Romantic movement was a bit of everything, but he is perhaps most well known for writing the famous novel, Les Misérables.

Who is Victor Hugo?


This woman is considered a heroine for the country of France due to her important role during the Hundred Years' War. Sadly, she was burned at the stake, charged with supposed witchcraft. She was later canonized as a saint.

Who is Joan of Arc?


"Qu'est-ce que vous allez faire ce week-end?"

What is "What are you doing this weekend?"


This is a traditional Provençal dish comprised of artichokes braised with onions, garlic, and carrots.

What is barigoule?


This town in France is home to the best women's club soccer team in the world and most recent winners of the Champions League, Olympique Lyonnais Féminin.

What is Lyon?


This French chemist is known for establishing the Law of Conservation of Mass and for discovering that combustion and respiration were reactions caused by Oxygen. He is known as "the father of modern chemistry."

Who is Antoine Lavoisier?


This French aristocrat and military officer heavily aided the United States in their Revolutionary War, commanding several Americans in battle. He was considered a hero in both America and France.

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?


"Quand j'étais jeune, je détestais le thé, mais maintenant je le bois tous les jours."

What is "When I was young, I used to hate tea, but now I drink it everyday?"